A person’s smile is perhaps one of if not the most expressive ways we can communicate with others, but unfortunately we’re not all blessed with properly aligned teeth. Fortunately, when it comes to fixing your smile, thanks to modern technology the skies are the limit. In terms of methods, ranging from surgery to oral veneers, I guess the only limit for you is the depth of your pockets and the price you are willing to pay.  Find out about veneers in the Philippines and the price you have to pay to get that perfect smile.

The Evolution of Dental Disarray 

Evolution is a wonderful thing indeed, it is what has enabled the human race to both figuratively and literally reach new heights. But on the other hand evolution isn’t always perfect and could produce unforeseen consequences.

Take for example the invention of cooking, a process that essentially pre-digests food thereby allowing the body to access more nutrients. While this has allowed our brains to grow in size, it came at the expense of the size and shape of our jaws- which shrank in size while retaining the same number of teeth.

Porcelain Veneers Make Beauiful Smiles | | McClintock Family Dental

Anyway, evolutionary biology lesson aside, that explains why our teeth can sometimes become misaligned. But in most cases- especially in young children, your teeth will often sort themselves out as you grow, and even if your teeth are crooked the side effects are mostly aesthetic

But in some rare and extreme cases, crooked teeth can lead to some of the following difficulties:

  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Difficulty speaking and/or a lisp
  • Accidentally biting your tongue or cheek
  • Difficulty closing your mouth or lips
  • Imbalanced or asymmetrical facial features.

Most Common Ways of Fixing your Smile

If you find that you are dealing with one or more of the aforementioned afflictions, or you are just looking for a good old confidence boost, fortunately, thanks to advancements with regards to dentistry and modern technology, there are now many methods to fix crooked teeth. But the most commonly used of which are braces and veneers, and this article will give you a brief overview in order to help you make the right choice for you

Braces Diagram

What’s the Difference?

Braces– are metal brackets bonded to each tooth, that are best used to fix the structure of your teeth and jaws over time. On the upside, if you choose this method to correct misaligned teeth, the dentist won’t have to file away any enamel on your teeth. And on top of that, braces offer a longer term solution to any pain or other deformities you may have The downside though is that the process takes time- give or take one or two years since braces work by gradually reshaping your jaw, they have to be regularly adjusted by your dentist, and even after they are removed, you are still required to wear a retainer every night for several years.

Veneers– on the other hand are custom made to match the color and shape of your teeth- often out of porcelain, they are bonded to each individual tooth in order to mask any irregularities. Unlike braces, veneers can be applied to your teeth in just a few appointments, and can be maintained like your regular teeth. However, the biggest downside is that the application of veneers entails the removal of some of your dental enamel- unfortunately that doesn’t grow back, additionally dental veneers will only mask irregularities on your teeth and will do little in the way of actually correcting any severe deformities.

Which is Better?

Well the choice between braces and veneers depends heavily upon the severity of your dental malocclusions (deformities), as well as- to a lesser extent, personal preference, as braces now come in many forms, and can be made less noticeable if you are insecure about it and you are willing to pay the price, and veneers will be custom made to match the color and shape of your teeth, at the expense of some enamel. The most important thing to do with regards to matters like this is to consult your dentist.